Tuesday, May 21, 2013

4 months and counting! Just when you thought he couldn't get any cuter...

This weekend we are headed up to Stanley, the Alps of the great North West. Some friends of friends told us when they went camping with their baby for the first time they gave up halfway through the night, gathered up their belongings and tossed them into the dumpster on their way out of town. We chickened out and got a hotel room. Hopefully we won't keep the other guests up too much. We do plan on doing some hiking, maybe some boating, and meeting up with some friends at their campground for the obligatory s'mores. I Can't wait! I might break into the s'more mixings early.

Monday, May 13, 2013

I went for my annual wellness exam a couple of weeks ago and my Dr. was nice enough to point out that I'd put on a few pounds. He generously pointed out that a new baby (in our case, the ever cuter Porter), tends to lead to gaining a few pounds. However,  that only works so far for the father. I knew the time would come when my metabolism would slow down and I wouldn't be able to eat a whole box of Lucky Charms in one sitting with no ill effects, but it still sucks.  Couple that with a baby at home to help take care of, and I've got all kinds of reasons why my summer clothes seem to have shrunk over the winter.

Not to worry. I've come up with a plan and some goals, I even weighed in today so I can keep track of my progress. I'm signing up for a 20 mile trail run in the beautiful mountains of McCall on July 13th (http://mccalltrailrunningclassic.blogspot.com). It seems a little daunting, but I took Porter on 3 mile run on around the neighborhood today, how much harder could the race be? I am also experimenting with the 100 Push ups in 6 weeks program (http://www.hundredpushups.com), so if we bump into each other and you notice a pronounced swelling in my chest and/or arms, please don't be alarmed, I'm not suffering from a peanut allergy or anything.

Friday, May 10, 2013

I don't care how much yoga I do, I will never be able to stick both my feet in my mouth at the same time. Another reason to envy babies (like laying around eating and sleeping all day-they don't even have to get up to go to the bathroom!).

So, I almost never bother to color my drawings. I thought this one turned out pretty well (the scan is lighter than the actual drawing), until I noticed I'd spelled armadillo wrong. #@$%!!