Thursday, April 17, 2014

Healthy no bake cookies and treehugging

Is it wrong to teach my son to hug trees? I think it's hilarious, especially when I get to roll my eyes and shake my head and say "Darn treehugger" to the other parents at the park. Of course to teach Porter to hug trees, I've had to hug a few myself...

Tried a new recipe today: Skinny no-bake chocolate chip cookies

Basically you replace the butter and sugar with a banana and some honey. They turned out okay, but I definitely miss the butter and sugar. Porter likes them a lot. I think next time I'll dial back the cocoa, also add sugar, some butter and cut out the banana and the honey.

 Here's a link to the healthy recipe if you are interested:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

So, a whole year has gone by since I last drew a paycheck. My repertoire of pureed vegetables has increased exponentially, I know most of the dogs by name on the way to the park, I am on a nodding acquaintance level with half the mom's at the library baby storytime,  I am on a first name basis with half of the childcare staff at the YMCA, own the title of the worst blogger in the world, and I can handle the stroller like a Formula 1 driver. I wouldn't trade the this last year of staying home with the little man for all the money in the world-granted I didn't make all that much to begin with. We are truly lucky to have been blessed by such a wonderful wife and mother who has  provided us this opportunity-hooray for Brit!
Just a little something to embarrass the kid 14 years or so down the road when he starts dating...

One of our favorite new activities is feeding the goats at the zoo. Porter is fearless, he will stick his whole
hand in the goats mouth. He is also a bit of a tease as it often won't have any food in the hand, or even a food pellet shaped rock.

Who needs a wagon?