Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A lot has happened since the last post.

As you can see from the photos, Porter has developed an attitude. Turns out he doesn't like the sound of the vacuum cleaner anymore. It probably says something about my housekeeping that I vacuum so infrequently that his outlook on the subject has flipped 180 degrees since the last time. After our run today (about 5 miles through the parks) I had taken off shirt off right before I decided he stank more than I did and needed a diaper change. Mid diaper change he took his revenge by pulling on a few of the sparse hairs on my tummy-excruciating. He is also crawling like a pro now and pulling himself up to stand. He is threatening to start walking any day now. It's crazy how fast he is progressing.

I started Anatomy and Physiology on my quest towards a career in some sort of medical field. So far so good. We just took our first test and I did pretty well. I also actually found the rat dissection slightly more interesting than disgusting.

I paced a friend of my brother, Jayk Reynolds,  for the last 30 miles of the IMTUF 100 mile race up in McCall. Jayk is a beast, he ended up getting 3rd place overall. Luckily for me he'd already run 70 miles before I joined him. We ran together from about 11pm to 7:30. I am told the course is beautiful, but I didn't get to see that much of it(the starts were pretty amazing though). The aid stations/volunteers were great-I'll have to try baked potatoes and bacon mid race more often. To Brittany's relief, this experience has not made me want to do a 100 mile race myself. As they say; any idiot can run, but it takes a special kind of idiot to run a 100 miles in the mountains. 

1 comment:

  1. Uh I think it's plenty idiotic to run over 8 hours in the middle of the night in the mountains, but it's way badass - can't wait to hear about all the details and the baked potatoes!
